Juice Cleanse

I’ve wanted to do a juice cleanse for ages just never quite picked up the courage. Being Pitta dosha I have a constant appetite and having never missed a meal in my life imagined myself chewing my left arm off by the end of the day.

Then lockdown happened. I was expending less energy and had no commitments. My youngest brother was staying with so with 4 boys in the house suddenly our intake of meat went up, combined with my sudden compulsive baking. By the end of 8 weeks I felt sluggish and completely lacking in energy. The new moon was approaching and I knew this was the best time to do a cleanse as it’s all about letting go of past habits.

I found @kindkitchen who were doing a “beginners cleanse” and decided one day was a good one to start with. Obviously I was full of anticipation and had duly prepared various meals for the kids and the hubby that I wouldn’t be too jealous of!

The quality of the juices meant I didn’t feel hungry during the day at all, I did however have a few moments of forgetfulness and being slightly away with the fairies (nothing new there!) but it was around 4pm that I found myself really wanting to crunch down on something! Not because I was hungry but rather because of years and years of crunching and munching. I pushed on through knowing that this was the real test. Not the physical challenge of hunger or lack or energy to do things but rather the mental challenge of breaking life long habits.

The next day I woke up with a renewed sense of vigour at my achievement and also with so much more energy. My body had barely used energy the previous day digesting heavy foods and so had time to actually function properly. I felt lighter and extremely happy.

Obviously, if you’re a busy person, with commitments of work and kids it’s tricky to do as I do recommend choosing a day where you can take it down to third gear slightly but that said I’m going to try this 4 times a year, every 3 months on a new moon - why not join me?!

Love and Light xx

Jacqueline Moxey